Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Comedy in Concert

It's Comedy in Concert night at Uptown Variety Live.  Here are some reminders about what's going on and why.

  • $5 Comedy and Concert
  • $3 Tickle Pinx
  • $3 cheap-Assed Whiskey Drinx
  • $6 NEW DRINK: THE PAPER THICK WALL, comes with digital download of the NEW ALBUM from PAPER THICK WALLS (visit www.paperthickwalls.com for a sample of music)
  • Bring a PARTY OF 5 or more and one person in your party gets FREE admission!
  • Bring a PARTY OF 10 or more and one person in your party gets VIP status, FREE admission DRINKS ON ME, some gift goodies and a special acknowledgement during the show!!

Doors open @ 8:00p.m.  Show starts at 9:00p.m.  So, invite some last minute guests and see about hitting the PARTY OF 5 or PARTY OF 10 challenge.

and as for why it's going on... simply, to have a good time, so wear you're good time pants...
... never seen a bulleted blog before have you?  we're all about the revolution...

See you tomorrow night!

Your Host,
Nicholas Taylor, UV Live